Gann Avionics Division has almost 30 years of avionics repair and installation experience. We can clean, repair or upgrade just about any type of avionics equipment. Its our goal to educate and guide you in all your avionics decisions with the best options for your exact need. We are an FAA Approved Repair Station No. GHVR840X
What we Provide

At Gann Avionics Division, we provide the general aviation customer with the best experience possible. If you are looking to have your current radios cleaned and serviced to perform better, having problems with aircraft radios that need to be addressed or are interested in radio and panel upgrades, Gann is here to fill those needs. We understand that the needs of the general aviation pilots are changing. The digital age is quickly approaching the cockpit more and more every day and we are here to help you make the most informed decision about your avionics needs. We will provide you with detailed options to help get you where you want (or need) to be. Weather new ADS-B requirements or the latest in GPS, we have you covered

What is FAA NextGEN you ask?
The FAA NextGEN programs' goal is to increase the efficiency, capacity and safety of airspace systems. The first cornerstone technology in the program is Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B). By January 1, 2020 aircraft operating in most US controlled airspace must be equipped with ADS-B Out avionics.
To be in compliance with these new rules, aircraft will need an approved GPS/WAAS as an ADS-B position source and have an ADS-B Out datalink to send the information. The datalink radio can be either 1090ES or 978UAT. If you fly below FL180, 978UAT is highly recommended.
ADS-B In receivers are not required but are also encouraged as a useful addition to your avionics that will enable you to receive valuable weather and traffic data without a subscription based service.